Reawaken the Minds control of Movement, Flexibility and Health

                      "BENEFITS OF SOMATICS"
               Somatics is a safe, gentle and common sense approach to eliminating chronic muscle pain for the long term.  It is an Educational Process of Muscular Retraining, not passive therapy.  
It is the only Sensory-Motor training method that teaches you to reverse the cause of chronic 
pain. Somatics bodywork and movement classes can also specifically address a number of 
health issues:

               - Improve balance and posture
               - Increase comfort and flexibility
               - Become aware of how your body moves
               - Decrease anxiety, fatigue and lessen depression
               - Enhance sleep quality
               - Increase energy and vitality

              - Alleviate low-back pain and improve range of motion
              - Reduce muscle-joint pain
              - Improve weak, tight or atrophied muscles
              - Reduce spasms and cramping
              - Relax and soften injured, tired and overused muscles
              - Help athletes of any level prepare for and recover from strenuous workouts
              - Release unconscious holding patterns by restoring voluntary control over the
                Sensory-Motor System
              - Free the muscles from pain

           For more information:  808-283-2356 or email: